New Perspectives on Bullying
Rigby Ken Translator: Dombola Vassiliki - Giovazolias Akis Scientific editor: Giovazolias Akis Pages: 392 Shape: 17 x 24 ISBN: 978-960-6760-98-3 Price: 29.30 €
::. Parenting ::. Parenting
Published: December 2008
2nd edition: 2009
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‘ New Perspectives on Bullying reviews just about everything that’s known about the problem’
Times Educational Supplement
‘Rigby deals head on with difficult issues, and the book… is a pleasure to read. …it is an ambitious and creditable achievement, with many excellent sections that break new ground while remaining equally accessible to practitioners and researchers’
Educational Research
‘This is a book that should be mandatory reading for teachers, bosses, parents and coaches’
Prime Focus
Hitherto books on bullying have focused either upon the peer victimization of children in schools or else on the harassment of adults in the workplace. By contrast, this book takes as its subject matter bullying behaviour in a wide range of settings, including kindergartens and schools, workplaces, the home, prisons and sporting arenas.
Dr Ken Rigby draws upon his extensive research into bullying in different countries and societies and different social contexts, and examines the influences of such behaviour. Within this broader
Perspective he considers many aspects of bullying including:
• The defining characteristics of bullying
• The harm that bullying does
• Proposed explanations for bullying behaviour
• The contributions of parenting and family life
• Personality and environmental influences
• The role of gender, race and culture
• Current views on methods of prevention and interventions to stop bullying.
Ken Rigby outlines and critically examines proposed ways of tackling bully/victim problems that will be of much interest to professional workers, administrators, psychologists and others who work in this ever expanding field. |