The Analysis of Quantitative Data
Martin Olivier Translator: Athanasiades Ilias Scientific editor: Athanasiades Ilias Pages: 160 Shape: 13,8x20,5 ISBN: 978-960-6760-71-6 Price: 20.20 €
1st edition: November 2008
This book presents in a concise way the basic methodology for the analysis of quantitative data, i.e. statistically processed data. Without extensive reference to statistics (given that its basic principles are taught at school level) the book presents everything that a student and a researcher should (or would like) to know about quantitative research.
The Analysis of Quantitative Data is divided into two parts: the first discusses the production and preparation of variables, and the second analyzes the relation of the variables. The book also presents the complexity of the subject and concludes with the proper use of statistic tools. It is the first time that Greek readers are introduced to the methodology of quantitative analysis in such a simple and accessible way.
The Analysis of Quantitative Data can be useful to students and researchers of Social and Medical Sciences, as well as students and researchers of various Humanities fields, such as Archaeology, History, Linguistics etc.