The Devil within Himself
Adamis Yannis Pages: 184 Shape: 12,9 x 19,8 ISBN: 978-960-6760-37-2 Price: 12.00 €
::. Contemporary Greek Authors
Published: February 2008
KATA TON ΔAIMONA EAYTOY (=The Devil within Himself) is a novel written in extracts for readers to piece together the beginning, middle, and end themselves. It’s a tense biography without chronological order, a journal filled with “inaccuracies” which, as its author notes, are “a mistake, the result of a droll misunderstanding. Someone in my position, who was less spiteful and had more self-respect, would remain silent and let another writer tell the tale.”
Demon-puppeteers are the main characters of KATA TON ΔAIMONA EAYTOY —that is to say, we’re all protagonists, a statement that’s neither exaggeration nor promotional hype but a simple truth.
KATA TON ΔAIMONA EAYTOY depicts a small town—or a large city. It’s a single country or all countries. Adamis’s novel is an anthropography of the small passions and great agonies inspired by life's beauty and ugliness. The novel exists only if read from start to finish—as the beginning of a life that’s born, grows, and dies within it. This book is the perfect exorcism for our personal demons.
*the Greek phrase KATA TON ΔAIMONA EAYTOY is inscribed on Jim Morrison's grave. Various meanings can be attributed to it such as: "To the divine spirit within himself"; "The devil within himself", "The genius in his mind", but also "He caused his own demons."
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