The Judas Window
Carr John Dickson Translator: Galanopoulos Neokles Pages: 336 Shape: 12,9 x 19,8 ISBN: 978-960-499-137-2 Price: 14.40 €
::. Contemporary Foreign Authors ::. Crime & Mystery
Published in Greek: June 2015
Avory Hume is found stabbed to death with an arrow - in a study with bolted steel shutters and a heavy door locked from the inside. In the same room James Caplon Answell lies unconscious, his clothes disordered as though from a struggle, his fingerprints on the damning arrow.
Here is the unique Carter Dickson "impossible situation" - yet the great, explosive Sir Henry Merrivale gets down to serious sleuthing and at last startles the crowd in the Old Bailey with a reconstruction of the crime along logical, convincing lines.
H.M. in his most exciting case - an original, unconventional mystery, with a rich story background and a thrilling trial scene. |