What is to be done?
Chernyshevsky Nikolai Editor: Maragkopoulos Aris Pages: 480 Shape: 15,3X23,8 ISBN: 978-960-6863-94-3 Price: 18.70 €
::. Political Fiction
Published in Greek: November 2013
Nikolai Chernyshevsky's great novel, originally published in 1863, transformed Russian views of the peasantry. It was written in response to Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev. When he wrote the novel, the author was himself imprisoned in the Peter and Paul fortress of St. Petersburg, and he was to spend years in Siberia; the book was smuggled out from his cell. Lenin, Plekhanov, Peter Kropotkin, Alexandra Kollontay, Rosa Luxemburg, and also the Swedish writer August Strindberg were all highly impressed with the book, and it came to be officially regarded a Russian classic in the Soviet period.