Euro 2004: The Real Story as told by the President of the Hellenic Football Federation
Gagatsis Vassilis Editor: Chatzigeorgiou Dimitris Pages: 344 Shape: 13.5 Χ 20.5 ISBN: 978-960-6863-50-9 Price: 16.20 €
::. Testimonies
Texts, research, editing: Dimitris Chatzigeorgiou
Published: April 2010
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The President of the Hellenic Football Federation played a major part in modernizing Greek football. He organized the whole preparation of the national team in terms of pride and self-esteem and in parallel persuaded the State to give the team all the support it needed in order to get near the goal: the championship of Euro 2004. Here is the in-depth story of this achievement and a parallel story of contemporary Greek football.