Dictionary of Psychology
Houndoumadi Anastasia - Pateraki Lena Scientific editor: Xenaki Chrisa Pages: 712 Shape: 17 x 24 ISBN: 978-960-6760-93-8 Price: 50.00 €
Published: November 2008
The new comprehensive Dictionary of Psychology is an inspired and ambitious reference work that aims to fill an important gap in Modern Greek scientific literature on psychology. It is the result of several years of painstaking and systematic collection, and writing and editing, comprising over 7,000 terms in all areas of research and application, including coverage of concepts, processes and therapies across all the major sub-disciplines of psychology as well as related disciplines (philosophy, sociology, biology, linguistics, statistics, education etc).
It includes:
● Bilingual (Greek and English) rendering of the terms
● Elaboration of concepts and connections among entries
● Presentation of alternative renderings of terms, synonyms and opposites
● A section with biographical information on major psychologists
● An extensive English-Greek glossary of terms
It is a useful reference tool for all those in Greece who are studying and practicing psychology or have an interest in the discipline.